
City: BAO

Region: Almaty region

Icon0,-5, in the mountainous parts of the region -10-15 °C
Precipitation (mainly snow). Glaze. In the north, south, mountainous parts of the region fog, snow rolling on the roads.
Icon north-west
The wind speed :
9-14, in the south half of the region 18-23 m/s, during at times gusts 30 m/s and more.m/s
Icon0,-5, in the mountainous parts of the region -10-15, with further downgrades. °C
Precipitation, in the south, mountainous parts of the region heavy precipitation (mainly snow). Glaze. In the north, south, mountainous parts of the region fog, snow rolling on the roads.
Icon-10-15, in the north, mountainous parts of the region -20-25 °C
In the south, mountainous parts of the region snow, at times heavy snow, snowstorm. In the north, south, mountainous parts of the region fog, glaze.
Icon north-west
The wind speed :
9-14, in the west, north, south gusts 18-23m/s
Icon-7-12, in the north, mountainous parts of the region -15-20 °C
In the south, mountainous parts of the region snow, at times heavy snow, snowstorm. In the north, south, mountainous parts of the region fog, glaze.
Icon-18-23, in the north, mountainous parts of the region –26-31 °C
In the south, mountainous parts of the region snow. In the north, south, mountainous parts of the region fog, glaze.
Icon northeast
The wind speed :
9-14, in the west, north, south gusts 18-23m/s
Icon-12-17, in the north, mountainous parts of the region -22-27 °C
In the south, mountainous parts of the region snow. In the north, south, mountainous parts of the region fog, glaze.
Current weather